A downloadable project

This manifesto summarizes principles and rules for building diegetic games.

A diegetic game is a "down the rabbit hole" experience aiming at inviting an audience (both players and follow-along types) inside a story-verse.

This is a preview and (eventually will be) an interactive companion to my coming article on diegetic game design; retrofitted and enhanced for List Jam.

The 2 Principles

 🌏 Build it, or they will not come

🖋 Tell a story

The 7 Rules

🕹 A toddler can play your game
🎲 Diegesis drives mechanics
🦕 Bring your world to life
⏳ Time does not wait
🎭 Laugh and Cry
👥 An experience for some, a challenge for others
🎬 Cut to Play

Keep it short, and sweet.

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